Dr Christian Häberli

WTI Fellow
Climate Change Mitigation
Food Security
Dispute Settlement
Fellow at the World Trade Institute (WTI) (University of Berne) and Consultant for scientific research and outreach activities in Europe, Asia, Africa, and in the Americas. Over 80 publications on multilateral, regional and preferential trade and investment issues related to climate change, agriculture, food security and food safety, obesity and malnutrition, environment, human rights, employment and labour rights, ethics and theology, WTO accession, and equitable trade.
Graduation in 1977 with a Ph.D. about African Investment Law (Basel University). Additional university degrees in Development Sciences in Geneva (1975) and in Theology in Bern (2009).
Professional career starting with the International Labour Organization (ILO) and with the Swiss Government, based in Madagascar, Thailand, and Nepal (1978 to 1986). Trade negotiator for Switzerland in the GATT and the WTO during the Uruguay and the Doha Rounds (1986 to 2007). Chair (every other year) of the Joint Committee of the Agriculture Agreement Switzerland–EU (2002 - 2007). Chair of the WTO Committee on Agriculture (Regular Sessions, 2005 - 2007). Special expertise and practice as adjudicator in trade dispute settlement (1986-2024).
Weblinks: http://www.wti.org / https://www.wti.org/institute/people/44/haberli-christian/ and (for publications) http://ssrn.com/author=1380616
Further info
Download Dr Häberli's full CV
A film about Trade, Climate Change and Food Security featuring Dr Häberli
WTI news stories featuring Christian Häberli