23 May 2014
Books/ Book Chapters
Panizzon, Marion
Migrationspartnerschaften der Schweiz: Verkörperung eines „sozialen“ internationalen Migrationsrechts?
Book chapter in: Berner Gedanken zum Recht“, Kunz Peter V./Weber Jonas/Lienhard Andreas/Fargnoli Iole/Kren Kostkiewicz Jolanta (eds.), Stämpfli Verlag Bern, 2014.
Swiss migration partnerships are migration management tools with a social dimension.
This paper argues that the multistakeholder approach and triple win strategy to which these bilateral migration agreements subscribe to, aim to socialize the migrant sending state to immigration law concerns of the migrant receiving state and the international community. It is thus claimed that Swiss migration partnerships achieve a measure of institutional justice in the sense that migrant sending countries are involved in policy-formulation, even if, the most social of all measures, the opening of the Swiss labor market to foreign workers remains unachieved.
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