2 Feb 2021
Panizzon, Marion
COVID-19 was a big test for UN migration initiatives. Did they succeed?
Blog post by Marion Panizzon published by Open Democracy (2021)
Migrants working in frontline jobs are twice as likely to contract the coronavirus. They are also less likely to access basic services.
During the springtime lockdowns in Europe, a poem-turned-video ‘you clap for me now’, went viral. Its message was to protect the migrants in the EU, who work to keep home-office populations safe, but who often face discrimination and stigmatization.
Between 13% and a third of essential workers are migrants.
Many are left behind in terms of access to unemployment benefits and spiral into hunger, poverty, isolation, and illness. Out of 250,000 undocumented migrants in Switzerland, 90,000 have not accessed healthcare during the pandemic, for fear of being detected, denounced and deported.
Click on the link below to read the rest of the blog post.
COVID-19 was a big test for UN migration initiatives. Did they succeed?