The WTI library is combined with that of the Institute of European and International Economic Law (IEW), providing an excellent collection of literature on international trade issues.

Literature on international trade issues
Collection and opening hours
The library lends books strictly in-house and is divided into three sections: monographs, periodicals and loose-leaf. In addition, it houses a collection of reports and decisions by the European Court of Justice as well as a wide variety of WTO-related materials. As part of the University Library Bern, the WTI Library provides extensive opportunities for e-research, including access to a large number of online journals, trade-related law sources and databases.
The library is managed by Aline Lehnherr. The library is open to students but the librarian's attendance times are to be made by arrangement with her.
If you have questions regarding the library and library services, please send them to
Giorgio Sacerdoti/Florentino Feliciano Collection of Appellate Body Papers (1995-2009)
The Giorgio Sacerdoti/Florentino Feliciano Collection of Appellate Body Papers (1995-2009) at the World Trade Institute (WTI) is part of the WTI/UniBE Library of the University of Bern, Switzerland.
The Collection consists of 196 binders of documents. The Collection is not open to the public. A request for access can be made to
Access is limited to documents relating to disputes in which the WTO Dispute Settlement Body has adopted the Appellate Body Report more than 15 years ago. The documents which are part of the Collection may only be consulted in the room at the WTI premises (Hallerstrasse 6 ,Bern) where the Collection is kept. When not in use, this room is locked.
Persons requesting access to the Collection have to undertake in writing the following:
- Not to copy or scan any documents which are not in the public domain;
- Not to quote verbatim from any of the documents in later publications or oral presentations, without the permission of the author(s) of the relevant document in case that document is not in the public domain;
- Not to disclose the name of AB Members, who expressed certain views on any of the issues raised in an appeal in documents related to the deliberations in that appeal;
- Not to disclose the name of panelists or AB Members, who expressed separate opinions in panel or Appellate Body reports respectively; and
- Not to disclose any information of a personal nature regarding AB Members or the staff of the Appellate Body Secretariat which may be gathered from the documents of the Collection.