WTI experts look at the different challenges we face today from an economic, legal and political science perspective. We build networks globally with international institutions and high-profile academic partners and support clients with high quality research-based consultancy advice, training courses and technical assistance. In all our activities we ensure our clients, as well as society as a whole, benefit from the World Trade Institute's global network and the latest academic research insights.
A global network

Tap into our global network
Global network and partners
To increase international outreach and have an impact across the globe, the WTI is building relationships with other (academic) institutions and organisations. The purpose of this global network of partners is to conduct joint research, facilitate staff and student exchanges, organise joint summer schools and develop joint Diplomas of Advanced Studies (DAS) or Certificates of Advanced Studies (CAS) programmes. In its medium-term outreach strategy, the WTI has committed to further increasing its global outreach by bringing in new partners.
The WTI has signed Memoranda of Understanding, cooperation agreements or joint long-term projects with the following:
- Latin American Network of International Economic Law (Red-Lat DEI)
- Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration (SIECA)
- Trade Policy Centre, Tanzania (TRAPCA), Tanzania
- Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE), China
- University of International Business and Economics, Beijing (UIBE), China
- Fudan University, Shanghai, China
- Xi'an Jiatong University, Xi'an, Shaanxi, Chiina
- Centre for Trade and Investment Law (CTIL) of the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), India
- Indian School of Public Policy (ISPP), New Delhi, India
- Amity University, India
- Centre for International Governance and Innovation, Waterloo University (CIGI), Canada
- Common law and civil law sections, Faculty of Law, University of Ottawa (UoO), Canada
- Faculty of Law of the Externado University of Colombia (EUC), Colombia
- Advocacia Geral da Uniao - AGU, Brazil
- Centre for WTO Studies, Indian Institute of Foreign Trade (IIFT), India
- Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (LB), Italy
- Swiss Network for International Studies (SNIS), Switzerland
- University of Antwerp (UoA), Belgium
- National Law School of India University, Bangalore, India
- Faculty of Law of the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), China
- Global Trade Consultants (GTC), Saudi Arabia
- Delegation culturelle et économique de Taipei - CEDT, Taiwan
- UNCTAD Virtual Institute Network - Switzerland
- African Institute for Applied Economics (AIAE), Nigeria
- Universidad San Francisco de Quito - Ecuador
- Wuhan University, China
- Seoul National University, South Korea
- School of Law of the National University of Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
In addition, please check out all exchange agreements of the University of Bern for research stays, temporary placements and transfers.
The World Trade Institute is proud to be an Education Partner of ELSA, the European Law Student Association.
WTI Fellows for Outreach
In addition to our formal network at the institutional level, the WTI realises that many challenges that societies face require very specific levels of expertise, not all of which the WTI has in-house. From 2016, the WTI is building a network of 'WTI Fellows' to work more closely with top experts in their fields on specific occasions.