1 Oct 2010 - 2 Oct 2010
Conferences / Workshops, 14:00, Uni S, Auditorium, University of Bern, Bern

WTI 10th anniversary celebrations

The World Trade Institute (WTI) is one of the world’s leading centres of advanced studies at the University of Bern focusing on research, training and advisory services in the field of international trade regulation.

The WTI celebrates its 10th Anniversary in 2010. To commemorate this landmark, the Institute is hosting a Distinguished Lecture Series throughout the year that brings leading trade practitioners to Berne to share views on cutting-edge issues in international trade governance.

Festive 10th Anniversary celebrations will take place on 1 and 2 October 2010 in Berne.


Friday 1st October 2010, Auditorium Uni S, University of Bern
Keynote Speeches on “The Future of the Multilateral Trading System”

13:30 Welcome address:

  • Prof. Thomas Cottier, Managing Director WTI
  • Prof. Gunter Stephan, Vice Rector University of Bern
  • Ambassador Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch, SECO / Chair Board WTI

Musical composition by Markus Plattner and Ensemble

14:00 Keynote address by Pascal Lamy, Director-General WTO
Musical composition by Markus Plattner and Ensemble

14:30 Keynote address by State Secretary Jean-Daniel Gerber, Director SECO

15:00 Coffee break
Musical composition by Markus Plattner and Ensemble

15:30 Keynote address by Prof. John H. Jackson, Georgetown University
Musical composition by Markus Plattner and Ensemble

16:00 Break

Panel Discussion with MILE Alumni on “New Frontiers in Trade Rule Making: Completing the WTO Tool Kit”, Chaired by Pierre Sauvé

16:30 Short introductory statements by panellists on future issues of the WTO will be followed by a discussion

18:00 Drinks in the Foyer

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