28 May 2019
Seminars, 12:30 - 13:30, Anna Nussbaum Auditorium, World Trade Institute

Circular Economy and Trade: Why this relationship matters?

Henrique Pacini, Economic Affairs Officer at UNCTAD, delivered a Brown Bag seminar in the Anna Nussbaum Auditorium.

For PhD students: This lecture in economics is eligible as part of the PhD seminar series.

The Circular Economy is a concept which is gaining increased attention by governments, companies as well as popular support. It is especially interesting for international trade practitioners since the concept galvanizes a number of trends, such as digitalization of retail, A.I, novel traceability systems (e.g. blockchain), among others, which all combine to extract value from previously-wasted resources, physical or virtual.

This presentation will examine some of the aspects around circular economy and trade, such as some of its WTO and UNFCCC implications.  The discussion will also raise aspects of economic character, such as changes in competitiveness as production and business models adapt to circular patterns of resource use.

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