3 Sep 2014 - 5 Sep 2014
Conferences / Workshops, University of Bern/WTI, Bern
Cottier, Thomas

Global Negotiation Conference 2014 - Call for team applications

The Global Negotiation Conference (GNC) aims to bring together students of negotiation to further their practical knowledge of negotiation while deepening their understanding of a current international issue. The inaugural GNC will be focusing on the international negotiations taking place to establish a new international treaty on climate change.

The programme will include a day of presentations from experienced practitioners and academics on international negotiations in general as well as the negotiations on climate change in particular. Students will then take part in a negotiation simulation modelled on the current climate negotiations. Teams will be assigned delegations prior to the conference and will be provided with information on their position which they will be expected to have thoroughly prepared.

The competition is open to students from all disciplines although they will be expected to show that they have a good level of negotiation training. Applications should be supported by a member of the respective university faculty. Teams can enter in groups of two or three with places assigned based upon their application form.

There is a conference fee of 150 CHF per person in order to cover the cost of materials and food throughout the conference. Accommodation and transport will have to be organised independently.

Deadline for team applications - 15 July 2014.

Participation in the conference is primarily intended for students taking part in the negotiation simulation. There will be limited places available for interested academics and professionals to attend the presentations. 
Fee: 150 CHF 
Application Deadline 15 August 2014 (places will be allocated on a first come first served basis).

For further information on how to register a team please visit our website: www.negotiationconference.org

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