21 May 2010
External Events, 14:00, Université de Neuchâtel
Panizzon, Marion

Current Practices in Migration Law: Migration and The Economy

Pratiques en droit des migrations: Migrations et économie (workshop at the University of Neuchâtel, in French)

Migration-for-work is on the rise, even if it is often restrained by socio-economic motives. The law of economic migration has reflected these dual pressures and has undergone significant shifts to that effect, such as reforms of the admission system, of the status of service providers, the rights of migrant workers, measures on facilitating reunification, etc). In practice, the foundations of this emerging legal field reveal that labor market regulation is being overhauled while migrant workers' rights may stand to gain. This workshop will seek to better understand the treatment the legal discipline is offering to circumscribe the phenomenon of economic migration. It will bring together policy makers as well as researchers who will highlight some aspects of this emering legal discipline in their presentations.

 Update: A more in-depth study into the theme was published in form of an edited volume by Cesla Amarelle and Minh Son Nguyen, Migrations et économie, L'accès des étrangers à la vie économique: les normes et leur application, Stämpfli Verlag AG, Bern, 2010.

These essays propose an overall framework for a visionary law of economic migration taking into account  the contemporary queries and concerns voiced by policy makers and society alike.

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