23 Mar 2011
12:15 - 13:45,
Silva Casa Auditorium, WTI,
Häberli, Christian
The state of play of the DSU review
Brown Bag seminar by Dr Patrick Edgar Holzer, WTO Law Adviser, FDEA, SECO, and WTO Division
The 1994 Ministerial Decision on the Application and Review of the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes (DSU) states that there should be a full review of this Understanding within four years after its entry into force. The DSU review started in 1997. Since then, several deadlines have not been met by the Special Session of the Dispute Settlement Body instituted to carry out these negotiations. On 18 December 2005, in Hong Kong, the Ministerial Conference directed the Special Session “to continue to work towards a rapid conclusion of the negotiations”.
What are the topics currently under discussion in the Special Session? Why is it so difficult to reach an agreement? What (if any) are the impacts of the WTO jurisprudence on the negotiating process?”
Biography of the Speaker
Dr Patrick Edgar Holzer is a capital based member of the Swiss Delegation to the WTO. Since October 2005, he has been the WTO law Adviser to the World Trade Department of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) in Bern. He is responsible inter alia for all WTO legal matters, for the review of the compatibility of pending Swiss legislation with WTO law, for the negotiations on the review of the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding and for multilateral and bilateral goods negotiations in connection with several WTO accessions. Dr. Holzer joined SECO in May 2000 where he served at the Swiss Integration Office until September 2005, first as a Scientific Officer, later as a Deputy Head of Division. He was working in the thematic fields of the free movement of persons between Switzerland and the European Economic Area (EEA) (in particular, the extension of the agreement on free movement of persons with the EU in 2004) and the placing of Switzerland into the European Research Area (ERA) (renewal of the agreement on scientific and technological cooperation in 2004; Galileo; EUREKA; COST). Admitted to the bar of the Canton of Berne as Attorney-at-Law in May 2000, Dr. Holzer holds a Doctor of Public International Law degree from Bern University (1997) and a Master of Law degree from Fribourg University (1994).
Further info
SECO website
Invitation, PDF
Presentation, PDF