Shilpha Narasimhan

Shilpha is a graduate in Arts and Law from Jindal Global Law School, India. She is from an Industrialised place and has observed turbulent markets impacting businesses and causing upheavals in people’s lives. This drew her to pursue TRAIL+ Masters Programme from World Trade Institute. She intends to research and contribute in International Trade and Investment Laws and Policy structures that could facilitate business to be inclusive and sustainable.
She has previously worked with non-governmental organisation emphasising on the need for macro-level policy making while calling for a humanised implementation of existing schemes. She has explored various arenas of law by choosing diverse subjects in law school and by gaining work exposure in multiple top-tier law firms. These experiences have provided her an understanding of the inter-dependent nature of law and economics, leading her to the obvious choice of the inter-dimensional course that viewed law from various stand points.
In her time in Switzerland she seeks to enjoy treks and trains, learn a new language and perfect her cooking skills.