Viktoriia Mykuliak

Mykuliak, Viktoriia

MILE 21 alumna
World Trade Institute

Recipient of the Patricia Murillo Montesdeoca (PMM) Scholarhsip in 2020

Viktoriia Mykuliak is an associate at Steptoe in Brussels, specializing in international trade law. Her areas of work include WTO law, WTO dispute resolution, trade remedies, and trade compliance.

She assists governments in WTO dispute settlement proceedings and has served as co-counsel in several WTO disputes involving a broad range of substantive areas, such as trade in goods, anti-dumping, subsidies, and technical barriers to trade.

Viktoriia is also experienced in trade defense instruments, having been involved in numerous anti-dumping, anti-subsidy, and safeguard investigations in several jurisdictions, such as the EU, the UK, and Ukraine.

In addition, she advises clients on the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR), the compatibility of national measures with WTO-covered agreements, and issues relating to bilateral and regional trade agreements.

Before joining Steptoe, she worked at top-tier law firms in Kyiv and Brussels and participated in research projects at the World Trade Institute.

Viktoriia has a Master’s degree in International Law and Economics (MILE) from the World Trade Institute (WTI) and currently teaches a moot court preparation course, the WTO Dispute Simulation Exercise, at the WTI.