Gloria Kidulile MILE 21

Gloria has been working with the Ministry of Industry and Trade in Tanzania as a Senior Trade Officer. Gloria has been working actively in developing, monitoring and reviewing the implementation of regional and multilateral trade policies, strategies and programmes within the East African Community (EAC), African Union (AU) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Bringing more than 10 years of experience in international trade and development; primarily trade policy formulation, regional integration, trade facilitation and a good understanding of trade-related challenges faced by LDCs.
In 2018, Gloria successfully completed the WTO Mission Internship Programme at the Permanent Mission of Tanzania in Geneva, a role that afforded her the opportunity to obtain first-hand knowledge of the workings of the WTO while also assisting Tanzania Mission in covering the broad range of issues under the ever-expanding WTO work programme. Prior to that, she had also completed the eight-week Advanced Trade Policy Course (ATPC) at the WTO in 2015; Regional Advanced Trade Negotiations Simulation Skills Course and various WTO e-learning courses.
Eventually, MILE is integral to her future plans of becoming an influential policy analyst as she will be able to experience the world of international affairs and enhance her understanding of the multilateral trading system.
Gloria has a master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) and a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (BBA) from Mzumbe University, Tanzania. She also passed the examinations prescribed by the Tanzania Institute of Bankers (TIOB) and awarded the qualification of the Certified Professional Banker (CPB).