Vishal Shrivastava TRAIL+ 3

Vishal Shrivastava, from Delhi, India holds a Bachelor of Business Administration and Bachelor of Laws (B.B.A. L.L.B.) degree from Symbiosis International University. As a student, while studying various subjects of International Law, Vishal acquired a keen interest and knowledge in this field of law and the importance of trade in understanding bilateral relations between countries.
Vishal has interned under Government Ministries and law firms to deepen his knowledge about various aspects of law, primarily International Law. He interned at the Centre for WTO Studies (CWS), Department of Commerce, working on cross-border Merger and Acquisitions (M & A) in the E-Commerce sector and understanding the role of the Indian Government in regulating International Trade.
He also interned under the Development Partnership Administration – II (DPA-II) Division, Ministry of External Affairs. At DPA-II, He researched India's development partnership, its importance in India’s foreign policy and how it is achieved through Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC) programme (managed by DPA- II) and proposed strategies to increase ITEC’s outreach on social media. He has further interned at Shardul Amarchand Mangaldas (a Tier – I Law Firm) and under various lawyers at different courts in India.
Vishal also participated in the 6th WTI- CWS Joint Academy on International Trade Law and Policy at CWS in June 2019. Vishal is currently enrolled in the TRAIL+ programme and wants to pursue a career in research and academics in international trade law.
Apart from law, Vishal is an avid quizzer, likes travelling and watching cricket. Vishal speaks Hindi, English and German.