Maarten Smeets

Maarten Smeets is a Non-Resident Fellow at the World Trade Institute (WTI), Bern, Guest Professor at the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE, Beijing, China), adjunct Professor at the Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE) and Senior Associate at the Clingendael Academy (Den Haag). In addition, he is a fellow of the Institute for Globalization and International Regulation (Maastricht University, Netherlands) and the Salzburg Seminar (Austria). He holds a PhD from the Faculty of Law (Maastricht University), a master's degree in economics, finance and international trade (Tilburg University), a diploma from the Graduate Institute (Geneva) and the Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA-Paris). He managed the WTO Chairs Program (WCP) at the World Trade Organization, Geneva, Switzerland, working with leading scholars and think tanks from around the world. He also headed a section at the WTO’s Institute for Training and Technical Co-operation (ITTC), coordinating field-based trade capacity building programs. He has published in leading journals and (co-)edited books on current trade issues (digital trade, inclusive growth, globalization, sanctions, WTO accession, structural reforms, developing countries). Before joining the WTO, he worked at the OECD and the Ministry of Economic Affairs (Den Haag). He is/was on the board of several institutions, including the IMF led Joint Vienna Institute (JVI).