Giovanna Tullume MILE 17

Giovanna Tullume Carrion is a Peruvian lawyer interested in international law and economics. She has experience in the fields of international law and administrative law, having worked with private institutions and governments in Peru as well as international organisations.
Giovanna worked as a Legal Advisor for SUTRAN, a government institution in the Ministry of Transport and Telecommunications in Peru, dealing with regulations regarding the transit and transportation of goods, public procurement, and administrative sanction proceedings.
She also held the position of Assistant Professor at the Pontifical Catholica University in Lima where she taught courses on ‘Private International Law’ and ‘Topics of Private International Law’. Following this she completed an internship with The Secretariat for Legal Affairs at The Organization of American States (OAS) in Washington D.C., where she conducted research on topics related to international secured transaction law reforms in Latin America and the law applicable to international Contracts. Most recently she worked as a Research Assistant in the field of Private International Law at the Pontifical Catholica University where she conducted research on topics related to Private International Law, such as international insolvency and international cooperation among many others.
Recently, Giovanna has published academic articles in the fields of Private International Law and International Insolvency that cover her personal academic interests, including International Trade, Development, Investment Law and International Dispute Settlement.
Giovanna holds a law degree from the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru. She obtained her Bachelor´s degree with a dissertation entitled: “The International Insolvency in Peru: treatment, problems and solutions: looking for an appropriate regulatory framework through Private International Law” for which she received a summa cum laude. Currently, she has been granted a SECO Scholarship to pursue her Master's degree in International Law and Economics (MILE) at the World Trade Institute (WTI) of the University of Bern (Switzerland).
She speaks Spanish, English, and Portuguese.