Valentino Desilvestro

Doctoral student
Valentino joined the WTI in November 2015 as Research Fellow for the SNIS project “Diffusion of International Law: A Textual Analysis of International Investment Agreements”. He also collaborates on the Design of Trade Agreements (DESTA) database. In his PhD project he investigates the effects of investment and trade agreements on foreign direct investment, technology transfer and global value chains participation.
Valentino holds a Bachelor in Management and International Economics from Otto-von-Guericke University of Magdeburg and a Master in International Economics and Economic Policy from Goethe University in Frankfurt. He has also studied at the University of Perpignan and as Erasmus student at Sciences Po, Paris. Prior to joining the WTI Valentino acquired research experience at the Ifo Institute in Munich, and at the RWI Essen, where he supervised household data collection in rural Senegal.
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