Phuong Tong MILE 15

As a passionate learner, Phuong Tong is continually inspired by law, economics, politics and international relations. She holds a master’s degree in international trade policy and law (2014) and a bachelor’s degree in banking and finance (2012), both from the Foreign Trade University (FTU) in Vietnam. Phuong believes the MILE programme at the World Trade Institute (WTI) will be a wonderful opportunity for her to develop a foundation for her future career. Prior to joining the MILE, being exposed to both public and private sector, Phuong worked at AMEV Consulting and Investment Inc., with previous experience at McKinsey&Company, Ernst&Young, and the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam, where she practised high professional standards and connected with bright people from diverse backgrounds. She also helped to organise the 2010 ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA), the 2010 ASEAN Defence Ministers’ meeting plus (ADMM+), and the 17th ASEAN Summit and related summits. In addition, Phuong participates actively in social activities, for example, she is the former Secretary of the Board of Management of the FTU Young Researcher Club. After MILE, she wants to pursue a career in international economic law, especially investment, competition, services and regionalism. Besides work and social activities, Phuong spends time to enrich her inner world. She loves travelling with friends, knowing about other cultures, swimming, playing piano and reading books. She is grateful to the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) for its generous scholarship to support her fulfilment of the MILE programme.