Hanna Deringer MILE 14
Hanna Deringer holds a tri-national five-year diploma in “International Cultural and Business Studies” from the Universities of Passau, (Germany), Limerick (Ireland) and Granada (Spain). This interdisciplinary study program provides a background in economics, business studies, Spanish, and Latin American civilization. During university Hanna gained experience in the field of international commerce and export promotion through internships at the Commercial Office of the Chilean Consulate and at the German Business Association for Latin America, strengthening her ambitions to expand her knowledge in international trade. After university Hanna was employed for three years at the GIZ (Germany Agency for Development Cooperation). Working within the Division for Private Sector Development and Economic Policy, she gained experience in instruments and approaches for the promotion of sustainable economic development in developing countries. She participated in different appraisal missions and project progress reviews of development projects in the field of regional economic integration, as well as economic policy and private sector development. Hanna has developed a strong interest in regional economic integration and development economics. Therefore, at the World Trade Institute, she is keen to learn more about the importance of regional trade and the linkages between international trade and economic development; especially with regard to developing and least-developed economies. Hanna speaks German, English and Spanish fluently and masters an intermediate knowledge of French.