Prof. Joseph Francois

Managing Director, WTI
World Trade Institute
Managing Director WTI
Professor of Economics
Fellow of Centre for Economic Policy Research
Director of European Trade Study Group
Joseph Francois is Managing Director and professor of economics at the World Trade Institute. He served as deputy director of the NCCR Trade Regulation from 2015 to 2017. Previously he was professor of economics (with a chair in economic theory) at the Johannes Kepler Universität Linz. He is a fellow of the Centre for Economic Policy Research(London), director of the European Trade Study Group and the Institute for International and Development Economics, senior research fellow with the Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies, and a board member of the Global Trade Analysis Project. He serves on the editorial board of the Review of Development Economics, and the World Trade Review. Past professional incarnations have included professor of economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam, research economist for the World Trade Organization, and chief of research and acting director of economics for the U.S. International Trade Commission. Joe studied economics at the University of Maryland and economics and history at the University of Virginia. His current research interests include: cross-border production chains and employment; globalisation and inequality; trade in services; open economy competition policy and the regulation of firm behaviour; financial market integration; open economy growth and development; economic integration broadly defined; the multilateral trading system; trade and investment policy under imperfect competition (including the location of industry); the role of the service sector (finance, margin and intermediate services, etc.) in trade and development; competition policy in open markets; computational partial and general equilibrium modelling; and estimation and inference within large nonlinear systems (like large scale, multi-sector general equilibrium econometric models).
For all administrative and media inquiries, please contact Sophia Thompson (for best results, include her in cc)
Further info
research on Google Scholar
research on IDEAS - RePEC
WTI news stories featuring Joseph Francois
Curriculum Vitae