Marina Foltea

Founder and Managing Director at Trade Pacts
Linkages Between Trade and Other Regulatory Issues
WTO Dispute Settlement and Regional Trade Agreements
Intellectual Property Rights, SPS/TBT
A former governmental official, academic and private sector manager, Dr Foltea is a consultant advising global companies and governmental institutions around the world on international economic law and public policies. She has over 10+ years of experience in public affairs and engagement and 20+ years of overall experience in the field of international economic law and institutions.
Dr Foltea has obtained her Ph.D. in International Economic Law in 2010 from the University of Bern (Switzerland) with summa cum laude winning the Walther Hug prize for the best legal dissertation in Switzerland (2011).
She is eligible to solve international WTO and EU trade disputes with third parties and was appointed by the WTO as one of the five experts sitting on the WTO Permanent Group of Experts on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures.
Marina Foltea is currently Managing Director of Trade Pacts – a global advisory based in Geneva, Switzerland.
Marina Foltea is a former Research Fellow at the World Trade Institute (WTI) in Bern. She has investigated legal aspects of the institutional linkages between the WTO and other international organisations. She worked on a SECO-funded project concerning non-tariff barriers for trade in South Eastern Europe and administered training programmes at the WTI. She also served for several years as a trade lawyer with the Government of Moldova and several EC-funded projects on WTO accession and related subjects. In the second phase of NCCR, she focused on how institutional conflicts in the regulation of plant genetic resources impact on innovation (together with Prof. Thomas Cottier).
Further info
Trade Pacts website
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