Chi Le Ngo MILE 12

Chi-Le Ngo holds a BA in International Trade and Business from the Foreign Trade University in Vietnam. After graduation she completed a 6 month internship with the Economics and Trade Section of the EU delegation in Hanoi, followed by her position as Trade Officer of the Commercial Section of the Brazilian Embassy for two years. Her growing passion to learn more about the field of international trade brought her to the MILE 12 programme and she hopes to extend her knowledge of intellectual property rights mechanisms and how governments can effectively create and protect such rights. In particular, she is interested in building trademarks and geographical indications for agriculture products, which are the strengths of her country, Vietnam. Moving toward sustainable development is also her concern, as she has participated in many activities and fora related to environmental protection under the umbrella of UNEP, especially in the South- east Asian Region. Aside from the above, she loves making new friends and is interested in photography.