Prof Dr Nikos Lavranos

Secretary General
European Federation for Investment Law and Arbitration (EFILA)
Nikos Lavranos is the first Secretary-General of the European Federation for Investment Law and Arbitration (EFILA). He is founder & owner of NL-Investmentconsulting, external Legal Advisor for numerous law firms. He is also Partner at Herreveld van der Hurk & Partners, Senior Advisor at Grayston & Company (Brussels) and Of Counsel at Wöss & Partners (Vienna).
He specializes in international investment law & arbitration, EU law, WTO law and public international law. Nikos has advised in numerous disputes involving in particular Dutch BITs, intra-EU BITs, the ECT initiated under various rules such as ICSID, UNCITRAL and SCC rules.
He is listed as Arbitrator by the EU regarding EU free trade and investment agreements, as Arbitrator and/or Mediator at CIETAC, VIAC, AIAC, Energy Disputes Arbitration Centre (EDAC) and Energy Community. In addition, he is Guest Professor International Investment Law at the Free University of Brussels and is visiting professor at several other universities. Nikos is also co-Editor-in-Chief of the European Investment Law and Arbitration Review and co-Editor of the book International Arbitration and EU Law (Edward Elgar Publishing 2021). Previously, he was Chief Negotiator for Dutch BITs at the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and later at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is a permanent contributor to the Kluwer Arbitration Blog, the Practical Law Arbitration Blog, the EFILA Blog and Borderlex. He earned his Dr.jur. and LLM degrees from Maastricht University, The Netherlands and a Law degree from J.W. Goethe University Frankfurt.
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