PD. Dr. iur. Marion Panizzon

Senior Research Fellow
World Trade Institute
International Migration Law
Bilateral Migration Agreements
Global Governance
Marion Panizzon, Dr. iur., LL.M. (Duke) is a senior research fellow of the World Trade Institute, University of Bern and a legal consultant on EU/WTO law.
Marion has published on the movement of natural persons, bilateral migration agreements, and EU labor migration law. She recently authored “Adjudicating Labor Mobility under France's Agreements on Migration: How Courts Politicize Migration Diplomacy”, Theoretical Inquiries in Law (2022); “Through the Looking-Glass: The IOM Recasting the Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration Narrative at the UN and in West Africa”; Geopolitics (2023 with L. Jurt); “Multi-Level Governance of Migration in Times of Crisis”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies(2018 with M. van Riemsdijk).
Marion holds a habilitation (2015) in international trade, EU and migration law. Marion teaches a course on access to education for migrants for the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) Education and Migration of the University of Bern and convenes the module of law and ethics. She is the deputy chair of the advisory board of the Center for Global Migration Studies (CeMig) of Göttingen University.
Further info
Author page on ResearchGate
Author page on BORIS University of Bern