Jacquiline Pimer

Research Assistant / MILE 10
Head of the Africa Chapter WTI Alumni Association
Jacquiline Pimer joined the WP1.5 team of NCCR Trade Regulation in September 2010 as a research assistant. Her research is conducted under the supervision of Professor Rolf Weber; the topic of research is ‘unfair competition and human rights under the consumer sovereignty angle’. Before joining the NCCR Trade Regulation, Jacquiline was a Master’s student with the World Trade Institute pursuing the Masters in International Law and Economics. She holds an undergraduate Law degree from Makerere University in Kampala, Uganda; as well as a Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice. Jacquiline also worked with the International Law Institute in Kampala as a Programme Administrator; she facilitated training and capacity building projects in Human Rights, Economic Partnership Agreements among others. Prior to that she worked with the Uganda secretariat – New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD Uganda); NEPAD run the African Peer Review Mechanism, an initiative that reviews a country’s governance policies with a view to improving and implementing them more effectively through the responsible ministries and institutions. Furthermore, NEPAD played a key role in ensuring the implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in Uganda.