Mohammad Farhad MILE 11

Mohammad Farhad holds a Master’s Degree in Development Studies, with a major in Trade and Policy Economics from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. His interest in the role of trade as a driver of development led to his master’s thesis on the WTO’s Aid for Trade. He currently works at the Bangladesh Foreign Trade Institute (BFTI) which is mandated to offer research and training on international trade issues to the Ministry of Commerce of the Government of Bangladesh. His primary responsibilities include participation in research activities as well as support of the Policy advocacy and training programmes offered by the institute. He recently attended the WTI Summer Academy on ‘International Trade Regulation’ and the World Bank Institute course on ‘Preferential Trade Agreements for Development’ in Washington D.C. Prior to joining the BFTI, he completed Bachelor and Master Degrees in Business Administration, with a major in Management, and worked as a manager in the brand management department of a multinational pharmaceutical company for five years. His particular areas of interest lie in the relationship between trade and development, the impact of trade regulation on human rights, gender, social safety net and human migration and the changing landscape of international trade regulation following the emergence of diversified preferential trade agreements.