David Kleimann MILE 07
Prior to joining the WTI’s MILE 7 class, David Kleimann received his Bachelor degree in Law, Economics and Political Science from Erfurt University in Germany and an LL.M degree in International Law from the Brussels branch of Kent Law School. Following his stay in Berne in 2006/07, David completed traineeships in the Americas unit of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for External Trade in Brussels, in the Agriculture Division of the WTO, and at the South Centre’s Trade for Development Programme in Geneva. In January 2009, David became an Associate of the Economic Policy Programme of the German Marshall Fund of the United States (GMF) in Brussels. In September 2010, he joined the European University Institute’s Law Department as a PhD researcher, where he receives supervision from Ernst Ulrich Petersmann and Petros Mavroidis. David also currently works as a consultant to Sciences Po Paris’ Groupe d’Economie Mondiale (GEM) on a project collaboration with the World Bank, which maps the implementation of preferential trade agreements in select developing countries. David’s most recent publication is a policy paper titled ‘Trading Places: The New Dynamics of EU Trade Policy under the Treaty of Lisbon’, which he co-authored with WTO Appellate Body Member and GMF Senior Fellow Jennifer Hillman.