Lothar Ehring

EC Trade
Dispute Settlement
Law of Non-Discrimination
Trade in Agriculture
Lothar Ehring is an official of the Directorate-General for Trade of the European Commission, where he currently serves in the Legal Unit, after returning from the European Commission’s Support Group for Ukraine to which he was seconded 2014-2016. Before that, he served as the Assistant to the Deputy Director-General responsible for multilateral trade affairs, legal affairs, as well as trade defence instruments and bilateral trade relations with North America, Europe and its neighbours and Central Asia. Until 2009, Lothar Ehring served in the Unit that is responsible for Legal Aspects of Trade Policy where he advised on WTO legal matters, handled a number of WTO disputes and negotiated the reform of the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding for the European Union. Prior to his appointment to the European Commission, Lothar Ehring briefly worked as Legal Affairs Officer in the Legal Affairs Division and the Appellate Body Secretariat of the World Trade Organization in Geneva on dispute settlement cases. He graduated in law from the University of Passau in Germany, holds the German qualification for the judicial office and a Master of Public Administration from Harvard University.