Insights on Sustainable Agricultural Trade
Wrapping Up 3.5 Years of the MATS Project
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Wrapping Up 3.5 Years of the MATS Project
Congratulations are in order!
Christian Häberli, WTI Research Fellow, is appointed chair of the USMCA panel in Mexico – GE Corn.
What's the role of international trade to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals? Today we deep dive into course 4 of the WTI's 2023 Summer Academy. Interested? Apply to secure your spot!
On 16 February 2023, WTI's Director of Studies, taught "Balancing Trade with Non-Trade Concerns" at the International Trade Institute.
We publish today the latest report of the European Union's Horizon 2020 MATS programme project: "Repairing Broken Food Trade Routes Ukraine – Africa”
With the title "Bauern in der Ukraine brauchen Zuversicht, um für Afrika zu produzieren" (Farmers in Ukraine need confidence to produce for Africa) the WTI contributes to the University of Bern magazine, UniFokus issue: "What will we eat tomorrow?"
We publish today the latest outcome of the project "Repairing Broken Food Trade Routes Ukraine – Africa”.
The report of the third outcome of the project "Repairing Broken Food Trade Routes Ukraine-Africa" is published today
Three days of interesting debates between academics, policy-makers, agricultural production and trade specialists, from 6 to 8 September 2022 in Tashkent.
Swiss national television (SRF) interviews WTI's Fellow and Lecturer, Dr. Christian Häberli.
Report of the second outcome of the project "Repairing Broken Food Trade Routes Ukraine – Africa". It provides a deeper overview on wheat imports to Egypt and highlights share of Ukrainian origin; one more short presentation covers Crude oil and wheat/corn price dynamics in 2022 with comments on main influencing …
Today, at the World Trade Institute, we launch the project “Repairing Broken Food Trade Routes Ukraine – Africa”. We want to contribute to the resumption of agricultural trade interrupted because of the war on Ukraine.
The World Trade Institute (WTI) is recruiting a Ukrainian agrifood trade expert to provide consultancy services under the programme Making Agricultural Trade Sustainable (MATS).
WTO Delegates presently work on a proposal to discipline Food Export Restrictions for a Decision at the Twelfth Ministerial Conference starting on 30 November 2021 in Geneva.
The theme of the Opening Ceremony was "The ACTRADE Initiative and the Promotion of Inter-African Trade" .
Marianna Henud Cresci, MILE 20 alumna from Brazil, is this year's winner of the Thomas Cottier Award for Best Thesis. This award is presented annually to one WTI student for the best thesis submitted and was set up to honour the WTI's founder and former Managing Director Prof. Emeritus Thomas …
After an intense academic year marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020-21 MILE and TRAIL+ students were officially bid farewell at a COVID-19 conform Closing Ceremony at the Silva Casa Auditorium of the WTI. After the Ceremony, the students who were in Bern and some WTI staff members gathered to …
For the first time, the European Union has used a bilateral trade agreement to ensure its market access rights. After Covid restrictions preventing expediency and public hearings for almost a year, an Arbitration Panel has now recognised the right of Ukraine to regulate the management of its forest sector sustainably, …
The successor agreement to NAFTA entered into force on 1 July 2020, with the same three parties. The new acronym is USMCA (Agreement between the United States of America, the United Mexican States, and Canada). WTI Fellow Christian Häberli is one of 30 people who will act as panelists in …
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