1 Feb 2022
A New Global Impact Association (GIA) Scholarship in Honour of MILE 14 Alumna Nathalie Diaz Asmat
The Global Impact Association (GIA) is offering an additional scholarship in 2022, honouring the legacy of late MILE 14 alumna Nathalie Diaz Asmat from Peru.
The Nathalie Diaz Asmat Scholarship is a privately funded scholarship, which allows one student or young professional to pursue a one-year advanced master programme at the WTI. The scholarship is in memory of the late Nathalie Diaz Asmat, a MILE 14 alumna and former Dispute Settlement Lawyer at the World Trade Organization from Lima, Peru.
In awarding the Nathalie Diaz Asmat Scholarship, preference will be given to students from Peru and Latin America. The Executive Committee of the GIA will decide on the award of the scholarship on the advice of the Nathalie Diaz Asmat Scholarship Committee.
The other three scholarships available for young professionals interested in the MILE and TRAIL+ (LL.M.) Master's programmes are:
1. Penglai Scholarship for a Taiwanese national
2. Penglai Scholarship for a national from a least developed country (LDC)
3. Patricia Murillo Montesdeoca (PMM) Scholarship in memory of the late Patricia Murillo Montesdeoca, a human rights activist from Ecuador and wife of the WTI’s Director of Studies, Prof. Peter Van den Bossche. The GIA Executive Committee intends to give preference to female students from Latin America
In addition, several scholarships are available for WTI students, who want to do an internship after their studies at the WTI.
Visit the official GIA website for more information.