8 Dec 2021

Quantifying Trade and Sustainability Linkages

Prof. Joseph Francois, the WTI's Managing Director, recently spoke on model based quantification of the environmental impact of trade agreements at the December 2021 Trade and Sustainability Hub, jointly organised by the CDE and IISD.

Prof. Francois' presentation draws heavily on methodology developed for the recent WTI report on the environmental impact of the EFTA-MERCOSUR free trade agreement, prepared for the Swiss Ministry of Economic Affairs (SECO). The WTI study is innovative, integrating two methodologies, computation general equilibrium (CGE) modelling and multi-region input output (MRIO) analysis to identify the contribution of global supply chains to environmental effects. The full report is available from SECO.

More information on the session is available here. Session recordings will be available later this month from this link. This builds on a related plenary address to the Italian Trade Study Group at their annual conference in Rome this Summer, which you can access here