2 Aug 2021
The 2020-21 Advanced Master Programmes have come to an end

After an intense academic year marked by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020-21 MILE and TRAIL+ students were officially bid farewell at a COVID-19 conform Closing Ceremony at the Silva Casa Auditorium of the WTI. After the Ceremony, the students who were in Bern and some WTI staff members gathered to enjoy a lunch with a view at Restaurant Rosengarten.
On Thursday, 22 July 2021, the MILE 21 and TRAIL+4 students were given a formal farewell from the WTI at the Closing Ceremony of the 2020-21 Advanced Master Programmes, which was organised in a hybrid format this time. Eight students were able to attend on site, whereas the rest joined virtually via Zoom.
The ceremony was opened by Prof. Peter Van den Bossche, WTI Director of Studies, and was followed by a keynote address delivered by Gabrielle Marceau, Senior Counsellor in the Economic Research and Statistics Division of the WTO. Her speech was titled, “What role the WTO can play in facilitating trade in times of COVID".
The Thomas Cottier Award for Best Thesis was presented to MILE 20 alumna Marianna Henud Cresci from Brazil, who attended the Ceremony on site. Her thesis, titled "Can WTO Rules, Disciplines and Incentives Contribute to Fish Stocks Conservation?", was supervised by Christian Häberli and can be read here. The award is presented annually to one MILE or TRAIL+ student for the best thesis submitted. Also check out our interview with Marianne here.
Per tradition, this year’s class representative, Stella Nalwoga from Uganda, gave a farewell speech to her fellow classmates.
Prof. Joseph Francois, WTI Managing Director, delivered the closing remarks, where he congratulated the students on their year of hard work.
Joachim Monkelbaan, MILE 4 alumnus and Representative for Sustainable and Just Economic Systems at the Quaker United Nations Office (QUNO) in Geneva, talked to the new graduates about the life as WTI alumni and provided them with information about the newly created WTI Alumni Association. You can find out more about our alumni here.
While the students have finished their coursework for the MILE and TRAIL+ programmes, they will spend the next four months writing and submitting their master theses as well as starting internships and other opportunities to advance in their careers.
The WTI is very proud of this year’s batch of students, who have shown perseverance and an immense amount of strength during their studies. Heartfelt congratulations!