5 Mar 2021

WTI PhD Candidate Aylin Yildiz participates as a Speaker in a Webinar organised by the British Institute of International and Comparative Law

The webinar series, entitled "Rising Sea Levels: Promoting Climate Justice through International Law", is held on 3, 11, 17 and 24 March.

The aim of this series is to look at the issue of rising sea levels as a global problem and the legal issues arising from it from the lens of international law and climate justice.

Aylin Yildiz participated as speaker in Webinar 1 held on 3 March alongside Professor Patrícia Galvao Teles, Autonomous University of Lisbon, Member of the ILC, and Professor Dr Davor Vidas, The Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Chair of ILA Committee on International Law and Sea-Level Rise. The webinar was chaired by Sir Michael Wood, Twenty Essex, Member of the ILC.

Click here for the recording of Webinar 1. Aylin's presentation, "Introducing sea level rise as a common concern of humankind", starts at 39:40.