6 Mar 2020

WTI researchers participate in the Assembly of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) Switzerland

The SDSN Switzerland Assembly, held on 18 February in Bern, provided a platform for members, partners and other stakeholders to explore ways of cooperation to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Members and partners were invited to present their activities in the form of a market place, which promoted exchange with other participants and stakeholders. The WTI, represented by Octavio Fernández-Amador, Brigitta Imeli, Doris Oberdabernig and Patrick Tomberger, organized a market stand to present the WTI’s research activities, focusing on the insights derived from the NRP73 project on Switzerland’s Sustainability footprint on ecological footprints resulting from consumption and production processes in Switzerland.

Further information:
SDSN: https://www.unsdsn.org/
SDNS Switzerland: https://www.sdsn.ch/
NRP 73 „Switzerland’s sustainability footprint“: http://www.nrp73.ch/en/projects/governance/switzerland-sustainability-footprint