11 Jun 2019
Sixth WTI-CWS Joint Academy on International Trade Law and Policy in Delhi

The Academy was inaugurated on 3 June 2019 by Prof. Abhijit Das, Head, Centre of WTO Studies, Prof. Peter Van den Bossche, Director of Studies, World Trade Institute, Shri. Raheev Kher, former Commerce Secretary, Government of India and Ms. Shailja Sing, Legal Consultant, Centre for WTO Studies.
Since 2014 the World Trade Institute has organised an annual four-week Joint Academy with the Centre for WTO Studies of the Indian Institute of Foreign Trade in New Delhi. 28 law students from different law universities from all over India are participating in this year’s Academy.
The four-week Academy is taught jointly by faculty members of the World Trade Institute and Indian institutions. The courses range from Essentials on WTO Law and Policy, Investment Law, Trade in Services, Intellectual Property Rights, the Agreement on Agriculture to Trade Remedies and give the students a good introduction to International Trade Regulation and Policy.
Further info
Centre for WTO Studies