2 Apr 2013

WTI Contributes to EU Parliament Committee on International Trade Workshop on the Proposed Plurilateral Trade in Services Agreement

On 15 February 2013, the European Commission announced that it would ask the European Council for a mandate to participate to negotiations on a plurilateral agreement in services.

In this context, the EU Parliament’s Committee on International Trade, chaired by Portuguese Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Professor Vital Moreira, convened a workshop in Brussels on 26 March 2013 to explore the various facets of the proposed Trade in Services Agreement (TISA). The workshop represented one of the first opportunities for parliamentarians and civil society stakeholders to debate the initiative that currently involves 22 World Trade Organization (WTO) Members from the so-called, ‘Really Good Friends of Services’ grouping, which involves both the EU and Switzerland. The expert panel was composed of H.E. Michael Punke, Permanent Representative of the United States to the WTO, Jean-Luc Demarty, Director-General for Trade in the European Commission, Hamid Mamdouh, Director of the Trade in Services Division of the WTO as well as Pierre Sauvé, Director of External Programs and Academic Partnerships at the WTI. A copy of Pierre Sauvé’s workshop presentation can be found here.