12 Jul 2024

Course four of the Summer Academy

We learned about Technical Barriers to Trade in Pursuit of Sustainable Development.

One of this weeks' Summer Academy courses, hosted Arthur AppletonTetyana Payosova and Frank van Tongeren. As they imparted knowlegde to select students around “the legal and economic opportunities and limitations imposed by the TBT Agreement on laws and regulations designed to further sustainable development,” participants gained a thorough understanding of the legal and economic aspects of the WTO Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) as it relates to sustainable development. 


From Wafaa Saadeh, PhD in Law at the WTI

"The course on “Technical Barriers to Trade in Pursuit of Sustainable Development” was incredibly insightful and thought-provoking. Over five days, we learned how sustainable development goals intersect with the TBT agreement, highlighting the delicate balance between regulatory policy space for states and the necessity of free trade. Achieving this balance begins with mutual international cooperation and trust."

Check the link for short video!