29 Mar 2011
Books/ Book Chapters
Lavenex, Sandra
Losada, Rosa Maria
Panizzon, Marion
Multilayered Migration Governance: The Promise of Partnership

Book edited by Rahel Kunz, Sandra Lavenex and Marion Panizzon
Multilayered Migration Governance explores the emerging concept of ‘migration partnerships’ in political management and governance of international migration flows. The partnership approach to migration seeks to balance responsibility and benefits of migration more evenly between source, transit and destination countries. Case studies from the US, Europe and Africa analyse the various initiatives and programmes applied in national, regional and transcontinental migration policy today. It shows that a multilayered system of migration governance has emerged which embeds primarily bilateral and mainly control-focused migration partnerships in a broader framework of (trans-)regional and international cooperation providing key links to policy areas in development, trade, finance and security.
1. Introduction: Governance through Partnerships in International Migration (Rahel Kunz, Sandra Lavenex and Marion Panizzon)
Part 1: Global Perspectives
2. The Global Governance of Migration and the Role of Trans-Regionalism (Alexander Betts) 3. Coherence and the Regime Complex for International Economic Migration (Joel P. Trachtman) 4. What Government Networks do in the Field of Migration: An Analysis of Selected Regional Consultative Processes (Jobst Köhler)
Part 2: EU Partnerships
5. Mobility Partnerships: ‘Insecurity partnerships’ for Policy Coherence and Migrant Workers’ Human Rights in the EU (Sergio Carrera and Raül Hernández i Sagrera) 6. ‘Partnering’ for Migration in EU External Relations (Rachel Nellen-Stucky and Sandra Lavenex) 7. Facilitating the Temporary Movement of Natural Persons: Economic Partnership Agreements Versus Bilateral Migration Agreements & Mobility Partnerships (Natasha Ward) 8.The Current Role of the International Organization for Migration in Developing and Implementing Migration and Mobility Partnerships (Claire Potaux)
Part 3: Bilateral Partnerships
9. Franco–African Pacts on Migration: Bilateralism Revisited in Multilayered Migration Governance (Marion Panizzon) 10. Swiss Migration Partnerships: A Paradigm Shift (Odile Rittener, Rosa Maria Losada, Laurent Perriard and Stefano Toscano) 11. New Trends in Managing Migration in Canada: Towards a Mobility Paradigm? (Hélène Pellerin) 12. Depoliticization through Partnership in the Field of Migration: The Mexico–US Case (Rahel Kunz)
Multilayered Migration Governance: The Promise of Partnership